Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, February 28, 2009


February 26, 2009

I've been craving fish, so where do you go?  The fish market of course!  We went to Wheeling and bought several pounds of fish to put in the freezer.  On Fridays, everyplace in the valley has fish frys with Coleman fish.  It's great.  Of course they sell everything I think except maybe lobsters, at least I've never seen any.  It's all fresh and delicious.


February 25, 2009

As I was fixing a cup of coffee this morning, I looked out the kitchen window and saw this.  I'm sorry my zoom lense won't go any closer.  I had to go upstairs to get a good photo.  The only thing I could get from the ground was it's head.


February 24, 2009

Got this photo of Katie while she was sleeping.  She sleeps with her tongue out and it's so cute!



February 23, 2009

It turned cold here again.  Pretty but cold.  I think the ice on the waterfall of our pond is beautiful.


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