Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Week 41 Photos

I have lots of photos from the Smokies and I'm not going to divide them into days, just write a bit about them.

Of course the first photo I took was Rick and Katie. 

While driving through the mountains the creek runs beside the road.  There are lots of areas to pull off and take photos.  Some of the most beautiful water photos I have seen have been taken in this area.  Of course, mine aren't like the pros but I had to try.  Here's some of the water photos we took.  You can see there's not too much color change yet.

Then Rick took a photo of me and Katie.


We also checked out Maggie Valley and bought some delicious apples.

The next day we did the eleven mile loop around Cades Cove.  It's easy to see why this valley was forgotten for a hundred years.

We also saw a pumpkin fair in Weir Valley.

We spend one day hanging out at the campground because of the rain. We were talking about going to Wonderworks but decided against it thinking it was probably more for kids. But I loved the outside of the building!

After we left the Smokies we drove back to Wythesville, Va and stayed in the same campground that we stayed in coming down.  Now for the funny story.  We like our creature comforts so I hunted up campground that had both wi-fi and cablevision.  We tried and tried but could not get the cablevision to work.  The last morning in the Smokies, Rick came across a mobile RV repair and asked him about it.  Apparently there is a ittle button that you have to push to disconnect the antenna.  It's back behind the wires in the cabinet so we didn't see it.  So finally we had cablevision and what a beautiful picture it was.  I had gone through the camper and tv and antenna manuals but nowhere did it mention that button.  Anyway, the campground was a really nice campground and had fantastic dog walk areas!

Here's our spot!

These two photos are the dog walk areas!

So we're headed home and guess what?  The best color is where?  In WV!!!


My last photo - a picture of Katie looking out the window of the camper.


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