Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Week 40 Photos

There is nothing like not remembering how to change your blog.  I've spent three hours trying to change it to a fall scheme this morning and really messed it up so I changed it back to what I started with at the first of the year.  Wow, what a mess.  Maybe I can work it out by Christmas!! or not!!

So sorry for being so late with photos again.  I just can't seem to get them posted when I'm supposed to.  These are the ones for September 27 - October 3.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I bought this cute scarecrow decoration at the Oktoberfest at Oglebay Park last year.


Monday, September 28, 2009

One of my neighbors has a beautiful flower garden in fall colors that I love.  Everytime Katie and I take a walk we go past it.  It's so pretty for this time of  the year.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Finally got the fall flower wreath on the table. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I finally went to do some much needed shopping since I didn't lose all the weight that I told myself I would.  I did manage to find a few things including a friend that I had not send in quite a while.  Carol and I used to bowl together and it was wonderful seeing her again!  She looks fantastic!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Rick and I have been getting bored sitting around the house (can't you tell) so we loaded up the camper this morning and headed for the Smokey Mountains.  Rick saw on the news that the leaves have started to change in that area also and hopefully the weather will be better than it's been here.  This was taken at a rest stop along the way.  I'm sorry I don't even remember which state it was in.  We looked across the highway and this huge guitar was there so I snapped a photo.  I should have written something down, but over a week later all I can say was it's across from a rest stop!  I'm not even sure if it's a building, club, or what, but it is for sale.  I did take it on the first and we stopped in Wytheville, VA the first night at the junction of I-77 & I-81 so it's somewhere on I-77 past the Beckley exits.

Friday, October 2, 2009

We arrived in Pigeon Forge and I was completely shocked at the change since we were here the last time.  The traffic was four lanes and bumper to bumper.  Stores and flashing lights everywhere.  Lots of people too.  It was not what I imagined it was going to be.  The first time we were here Susan was five and we camped in Pigeon Forge - you had to watch for the bears then, they came right up to your camper.  The second time we came down, Susan must have been a teenager because it was just Rick and me.  We had trouble finding a motel in Gatlinsburg but the area was nothing like this.   I took a photo of the campground.  We were told that we could stay for three nights but then we would have to move because the spot was reserved for the week starting Monday night.  The campgrounds were absolutely full and I'm sure the motels were too. 

It was a very nice campground.  Lots of trees and full of ducks.  I thought Katie might try to chase them but she didn't.  She just watched them.  I snapped this Saturday morning when I took her outside.  The people at the next site were feeding them.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

We drove through the  National Park and Cherokee NC.  I took these photos of the wonderful bear sculptures that are all through Cherokee.  I wish I had taken a photo of all of them.  They were really beautiful. 


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